Friday, May 4, 2012

Benadryl Saves The Day

Adding Benadryl to Sierra's anti-nausea meds worked wonders last night. She was able to sleep, and didn't have any episodes of sickness at all. Hopefully next time she gets this chemo protocol we will be able to avoid any vomiting at all. She is still unwilling to eat much of anything, I convinced her to take a bite or 2 of some cereal, but that was it for the day. She has dropped half a kilo since being admitted this go around, not exactly sure what that converts to, but I think it is about a pound. Not good news since she is already so tiny, and we want to avoid having to do a feeding tube if at all possible, but it may be unavoidable. Her attitude was a bit better today than yesterday, she is still irritable, but not being as mean as she was last night, though she did kick me out of her room when I wouldn't stop asking her if she needed anything:)
She has done a lot of sleeping today, but did manage to play a little bit. She got a visit from a clown earlier who showed her some fun tricks and gave her some bubbles, sadly I wasn't here and daddy didnt have his camera so no pics, but Sierra was cheered up for a while afterward. Not sure when we will be able to go home yet, the doctors will want her to be eating and not needing IV meds for pain, Iguess we will see what tomorrow brings.

I want to also say a big thank you to everyone for their love and support. We are so blessed to have such great friends and family around us. Thankyou for the meals, the help with the kiddos, the cards, and phone calls. And thank you for all of the prayers being given in our behalf, we know that we are being bouyed up, and strengthened by them.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mindi,
    I have just finished reading all of your posted blogs - from the very beginning. Reading "Sierra's Story" is sobering and heart-breaking, but at the same time...inspiring. What a brave, brave little girl. How I wish that somehow, some way this cancer would just disappear...that no surgery would be necessary....that you all could go home and live happily ever after.
    In the meantime, know that your family will be in my daily prayers...Our grown son has RTS, and the pain in his legs is always of deep concern to us. Thank you for sharing Sierra's story. May God be the Strength of your days, the Comfort of your nights, and the Hope in Sierra's little heart.
